

Five on Friday

Friday, January 27, 2017

ONE. We are doing family photos in a couple of weeks and I'm having the hardest time picking out what I am going to wear. When we did our photos in July I loved the tank top I got and it was pretty flattering. Then this fall, I thought I had got the perfect shirt but come time to wear it not so much and I wasn't as happy with the pictures because I didn't like my outfit. So this time I'm trying not to have a repeat of that. I have a hard time finding tops that look good on me because I still have a belly and I'm not comfortable in my own body. I don't have a lot of clothes because I'm usually wearing my work uniform or gym clothes so I'm not very good at dressing my current body. I also don't want to end up wearing the same thing or something similar.

Here are some pictures from some of our family photos from the past.

This was for Jackson's 1st birthday. I loved my pants!

I love the dress I wore for this one.
I really liked this outfit.

I'm pregnant with Allie here.
Even more pregnant and my maternity jeans made my tummy look funny.

This is the tank top I really liked.
And this is our last one, with the really unflattering shirt.
TWO. I keep hearing on the radio and reading blogs and instagram talking about The bachelor and I've never watched it before so I finally gave in and I've been watching this season on HULU. It's okay, kind of awkward but I'm hooked now and dying to know who he picks.

THREE. This week I went to they gym 4 days in a row!!! That's my second time this month :) I'm pretty proud of myself because it's hard waiting for the classes to start and I don't get home until 7pm. Monday and Tuesday is Step, Wednesday is weight training and Thursday is kickboxing.

FOUR. This boy can be so sweet and then so not sweet the next minute. Earlier in the week out of nowhere he punched me in the mouth, and it freaking hurt! That same day he was jumping off the couch to the floor where I was laying and landed on my head!! But then yesterday when I put him in the truck to go home he said kiss or something like that and I had to go back and give him a kiss. Like seriously melts my heart. I'm always asking him for kisses and now he is starting to do it without me having to ask and I love it.

One of my all time favorite pictures of him.

FIVE. Next Friday is my works holiday party. I'm excited they always have some yummy food and good prizes. Here's some pictures from some of the other ones.

one of my favorite pictures of us.

allie in my tummy, due in a few weeks.

johnny was in my tummy and we didn't even know it yet. we found out the next Monday and this was Friday.

Only child here. So cute!
I dont' know how to really link up so...

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