

21 days

Monday, January 23, 2017

So I never ended up starting the 21 day fix meal plan because I didn't get all my shopping done and I realized it's really unrealistic for me to follow. I thought okay I will count my calories...that only half worked for me because I have no self control. My sister is starting this today and I think I'm going to try to too. Sadly I eat a lot of chips and candy on my way home from work trying to keep myself awake. I get some type of fast food in the morning at work because we are all always hungry and we get either blazing bagels or McDonalds breakfast. I love chocolate and like to get it when I go grocery shopping. So I'm really really going to try not to eat this stuff. I only have about 21 days until Allie's birthday and I really was hoping to have lost more weight before then. I've struggled the last year trying to do it all and I never really committed to eating healthy and consistently working out. Both things I'm working on this year.

I'm also going to try and not drink soda... that's a big one for me and try no to drink my coffee everyday. I want to make a smoothie in the morning and hopefully that will help with a lot of my bad eating. Wish me luck, it would be nice to lose 5 pounds before Allie's birthday which is February 12th.

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