

Our 4th of July

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The morning of the fourth I went to the 9:30am jazzercise class came home, picked up, took a shower and got ready. My parents got to our house around 12:30pm and my sisters shortly after. We had to wake Johnny from his nap so we could walk to the nearby park that has all sorts of blow up toys for the kids to play on. We stayed for about an hour and made our way back home to BBQ and hang out. Our friend Shana got to our house about the time dinner was ready. We ate and I took some pictures of her kids with my 4th of July set up. The lighting wasn't the best so they didn't turn out as good as I was hoping. I got some of Allie in her JuneandJanuary swim suit and she looked so cute. We didn't end up watching any fireworks the boys fell asleep before it was dark and I didn't want to wake them up. I had to work at 6am anyways. 


Our Seattle Trip

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Monday we went to Seattle to get some brats from the Pike Place Market for today, the 4th of July. I wanted to get some pictures of the kids to frame, but they didn't want to cooperate very much. I did get some cute ones where they aren't looking though. We got some grapes and on our way back to the car stopped and got ice cream and mini cupcakes. Oh and I got some flowers from the market too :)

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