

1 Month 11.17.14

Friday, November 21, 2014

Johnny Kingston is 1 month today! 11.17.14

The last month has gone by so fast. He now weights 9lbs 4oz, such a big boy compared to Jackson. He loves to eat, usually 2-4 ounces a time every 3-4 hours. He sleeps most of the night, I will feed him 1-3 times a night. He started out sleeping in his bassinet, I had to feed him every couple of hours, I would be so tired he ended up sleeping in our bed and sleeps a lot better. He has the hiccups a lot and sneezes a lot. Currently he prefers to be held then to lay in his swing or nap nanny. He wasn't like that the first couple of weeks, I could let him sit in them for a long time and he would sleep. Not anymore, it does make it hard to get much done around the house. I've started to use the baby bjorn, I have the solly wrap but I have a hard time putting it on. I need to practice more. He has a very strong neck and is always lifting his head up. We aren't on much of a schedule, usually going to bed late and getting up between 7-8. He poops a lot and it is a mustard color. The last few days it has lessened though, which is nice. He makes a lot of grunting noises too.

 Jackson on the left, Johnny on the right.

Johnny's Newborn Photos

Monday, November 10, 2014

9 days old

Baby Johnny Kingston has arrived

Johnny Kingston Ayers
October 17, 2014
7lbs 2oz
18.5 inches

Johnny's birth story

I went to my 38 week check-up and was already 4cm dilated, 70% effaced and -2 (not quite sure what that means). I had Jackson at 37 weeks and 1 day so you can imagine I was ready to have this baby!!! I was due October 28th and Jackson's 2nd birthday party was on November 1st. I was afraid that he wasn't going to come out and I would miss Jackson's party! 

I asked the doctor about being induced if he hadn't arrived on his due date, she said I would have to wait until 41 weeks, I don't think so! I told her I didn't want to miss my sons party and she said she could scrap my membrane and that it would help start contractions. I was like yes please! 

I thought for sure I was going to go in labor later that evening, I started to get all crampy, but no. I went to work Thursday and thought something would Friday I went to work and my manager let me walk the stairs, I walked up 10 flights and then down them. On my lunch I walked for 15 minutes, I wanted to meet my baby!!!

At 1:50pm I started getting cramps that felt different, I had been having braxton hicks. I told my manager I need to leave, they feel different. So I left at 2:10 and had to drive home from work on a Friday from Bellevue during traffic! I took the carpool lane home and it still took around an hour. I met my husband at home and we got all our stuff and drove to the hospital...Auburn to Tacoma on a Friday in traffic! I'm pretty sure it took almost another hour and I was really in pain by this time.

We got to the hospital, checked in and I went into the room where they checked me out. I was 4-5cm dilated. They brought me to my room and got my IV in. I asked for my epidural right away. It took them awhile to finally give it to me and this time it didn't work right away. I could still feel contractions in my lower tummy and my right hip felt like it was on fire. They checked me within an hour after they gave me my epidural and I was already 10cm!

They broke my water and had me wait for an hour to "labor down". Which was good because my epidural started working by the time I had to push and I did my make-up :)

I pushed for about 5 minutes and then my sweet baby boy was here!!!

The funniest thing about his birth date is I had a dream I would have him October 17th and he would be 7lbs 1oz. He was 7lbs 1.6oz, but they rounded up to 7lbs 2oz. How cool is that :)

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