

Jackson Cooper

Monday, February 26, 2018

My sweet boy Jackson. My heart goes out to him so much. He just wants to me to cuddle or sit with all the time and it's so hard because of Johnny and Allie. I miss my days when it was just me and him. I have such mom guilt when it comes to Jackson, I know he doesn't get the time he deserves with me and it hurts. He says all the time why does there have to be three of us and why couldn't it just be me him and dad. Oh baby boy, you will understand when you are older.

He loves to play video games and do arts and crafts. He can be the sweetest boy one moment and crazy the next. He is a "night owl" he likes to say because he will stay up so late, but then in the morning when we have to leave to go to school or somewhere it's like pulling teeth to get him ready and out the house. He can be exhausting but the love he has is the best. We got a kitten a few weeks ago and that is his baby and the kitten loves him so much.

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