Allie Grayson Ayers made her appearance on Friday February 12th 2016 at 1:14am. 6lbs & 12oz and 19 inches long with lots of fuzzy dark brown hair.
Jackson loves his sister and he's so cute with her.
so excited to hold his baby sister |
Johnny loves her but not the way Jackson does, he likes to hit her and is a little rough with her. Johnny became a lot more needy once she arrived, he needs me more than
Johnny, Allie, Jackson |
10 days old |
She will be 7 weeks tomorrow April 1st.
The first week home with all 3 kids was rough, even the second week. By six weeks I was really getting the hang of it and then I went back to work. Total game changer, I feel like I'm back to how I felt the first couple of weeks.
I really miss all my kids, but mostly Allie. I feel so bad I was able to give the boys more of my attention and she barley gets any because I'm always helping them with something or cleaning. boo. I know it hurts me more than it hurts her.
She is such a good baby; she rarely cries and sleeps pretty well during the night, only getting up to eat 2-3 times a night. During the day she sleeps a lot too and really only cries when she is hungry.
One of my favorite pictures |