Allie Grayson Ayers Birth Story...
February 12th 2016
6lbs 12oz
I went to the doctors on February 11th for my 38 week appointment. I was 3 centimeters dilated and 50% effaced. My doctor was on vacation so I had the midwife. I asked her if she could scrap my membranes and she did! I thought I would have her in a couple of days because that’s what happened when I had Johnny. I also had to be monitored for 20 minutes after my appointment to make sure she was moving around.
Wednesday I was so busy at work making sure that I had everything done, hoping I wouldn’t be back on Friday, because I wanted to have her on Friday the 12th since I knew the due date and that I would be over 38 weeks by then. Anyways once I got home from work I thought about it and I didn’t remember her moving like she usually does, I called the nurse and had to lay on my left side and make sure she moved 5 times in an hour, she did.
Back to Thursday, I had a hair appointment at 3:45pm I went to that and left there around 5:30pm and ordered Thai food for dinner (it’s Tim & I’s 10 years together on 02/11. I think I had started to get a few contractions then, I remember googling how to know real contractions vs. braxton hicks. When I got home I told Tim I thought I might be in labor. We ate dinner and started watching House. About 7:30ish Tim went and took a shower, I painted my nails and got all of my stuff together.
We dropped the boys off at my parents around 8:30pm and my Mom followed us to the hospital. I got into the tirage room around 9:15pm. My contractions weren’t too bad then, by the time she was done asking me all the questions they were 2-3 minutes apart. They checked me and i was only 3.5 centimeters dilated, they wanted to send me home, I said NO. So I stayed in the tirage room for about an hour and a half and they checked me again, I was the same but 80% effaced now. They had me wait a little longer. They were also monitoring us because they didn’t like what they were seeing on the heart rate monitor.
After a little bit I had her check me again and I was 4 centimeters dilated, she went and asked the delivering midwife if I could go to the delivery room and they finally let me! It was around 11:30pm. Before we went up to the delivery room I kept telling her I wanted my epidural ASAP. They told me I had to get an IV and do something else. Thankfully they did it for me in the tirage room.
When we finally go to my delivery room they gave me some pain medicine in the IV and the contractions started to feel a little better. Tim went to the truck to get our bags and when he was gone my water broke. I felt a pop and then all this water coming out. This was worst then when my water broke with Jackson. After they got me all cleaned up the epidural guy got there and gave it to me.
He was too late though, because my water broke and it sped up everything. When I was trying to lay back down on the bed after the epidural I was having contractions worst than before I got the epidural. My vagina hurt so bad too, I kept telling them it hurt, they checked and said I was ready to go. I don't remember how long I pushed for, it wasn't too long and I remember saying the epidural didn't work I can still feel it. LOL. I was pretty upset that it didn't kick in before it was time to have her.
My biggest fear is always that I won't get my epidural in time, and that happened. What makes it even worse is that I had been there for hours and they were being stubborn about moving me to the delivery room. If they had sooner than my epidural would have kicked in in time. boo.
The first thing I said after she was out, is it a girl...I was so paranoid she was going to be a boy. LOL. We forgot my brand new camera in the car and I was pretty bummed, all of the pictures of her are from our cell phones and I was so out of it I forgot to take some pictures that I would usually take. Oh well.
I am so in love with this little girl, she is pretty amazing <3