Jackson Cooper Ayers
6lbs 12oz
19 inches
Thursday November 1st I go to work and I'm all excited Starbucks has their eggnog lattes and I get a venti of course.
I get off of work at 3:30 and I'm meeting my sister Courtney at Target at 5:00. When I get home at 4:30 and use the bathroom I have a ton of discharge and was like what is this? (I googled it and it was my mucus plug") But I went to Target anyways. Towards the end of Target my back and tummy hurt really bad. Around 6:30 Tim was making us dinner and I was sitting at the kitchen table just about to eat my hash browns when it felt like I peed my pants. I look at Tim and was giggling and said "I think my water just broke" he didn't believe me because it wasn't a crazy amount. But there was a puddle in the chair and under it. I called the doctor, finished packing and we headed to the hospital.

We got to the hospital around 7:30pm, my mom and Tim were with me. I took a nice jetted bath and then had to wait a couple more hours before I could get my epidural. I probably drove the nurse crazy because I wouldn't shut up about getting it. I didn't want to miss my chance. I got to sleep for 4-5 hours and then in the morning I started pushing around 6:15am and he was born at 7:18am. On his way out they said he was hiccuping and could see his head going in and out...lol and see it on the monitor.
Over all it wasn't too bad of an experience, I was in labor for a total of 12 hours. The worst part for me has been the healing. I had to get stitches :( It never crossed my mind the whole time I was pregnant how bad my vagina would hurt after having him. haha. It was all worth it. I love my little boy so much.
Here is what we did the night before I went into labor... Halloween!
Here are some of his sneak peak newborn photos... 6 days old.